Small Cell Technology

Our very own Small Cell Cable Power Converter solves the long-standing challenge of converting coaxial power to clean, stable voltage by converting 90V square wave to standard commercial power at 120VAC quasi sine wave.

Utilizing existing coax cable TV power is one of the safest and most cost-efficient ways to provide power to load equipment. Yet the power quality from coax can be very poor, resulting in equipment damage and system failure. Silke Communications’ Small Cell Power (SCP) converter solves the long-standing challenge of converting coaxial power to clean, stable voltage by converting 90V square wave to standard commercial power at 120VAC quasi sine wave. The fully integrated SCP device therefore solves an array of cost, safety and access challenges.

We offer three models of the SCP. The models vary based on output connection, size, weight and some configurations. We are happy to discuss your needs and make a recommendation.

Features include:

  • Customizable output with AC or DC options

  • External power “on” indicator LED light

  • 90V square wave conversion to 120V AC

  • Compact solutions for pole or wall mount

  • UL 508A listed with dead front for touch safety

  • Padlockable for security

Safety features:

  • All units have a 10kAIC interrupting capacity designed to shut down during any abnormal events that exceed the rating of the unit.

  • All units have an external disconnect that allows for public works, utility or public safety workers to safely de-energize the unit.

FAQs About Our SCP Line

  • The SCP unit takes 90V square wave and uses a regulating filter circuit to clean the power and step the voltage up to 120V-1P. The unit converts 90V square wave to a clean 120V quasi sine wave.

  • The SCP unit utilizes Eaton UL 489-listed breakers to feed load equipment. These UL-listed breakers are designed to trip if it sees any abnormal long duration events that could damage load equipment. The unit comes with a 30A main breaker, one 5A breaker for the LED light and one 15 Amp output breaker for load equipment.

  • In an urban setting, accessing coaxial cable is preferred because it provides great flexibility compared to utility power. Coaxial cable power does not require trenching like typical AC power. It is a cost-effective way to run power to equipment. Cable power is readily available, making access fast and therefore less expensive and disruptive.

  • These units are designed to fail safely utilizing a 30A main breaker. The unit is designed to handle any long duration event such as overvoltage, fault conditions or any sustained abnormal power events. Tested and listed by UL to ensure safe failure without any fire hazards or violent failures.

  • Yes, the SCP box is touch safe. SCP mitigates risk through redundant, integrated safety features that include: 1) Internal main breaker, and 2) Internal dead front.

  • The SCP is silent and produces no emissions. The electromagnetic field of the device is similar to that of a household cable box or a low-voltage transformer. The unit is self-contained in a NEMA 3R box and safe to work around.

  • The SCP unit comes with a internal main breaker that should be shut off to de-energize the unit for field servicing. The external light will be illuminated when the unit has power and not illuminated when power is off, indicating it is safe to work on the unit. Once the light is off, the technician can remove the dead front to replace breakers and service the unit.

  • If the pole is damaged or knocked down, the units have an internal main breaker that allows for public works, utility or public safety workers to safely de-energize the unit to shut the unit off.




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